Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tips for Self Tanning: Shaving

  • Do NOT shave right before you self tan!
Okay, this is a big one. Few, and I mean very few people can get away with shaving before they self tan. But not a lot of people know this!

Shaving before you self tan opens your pores. It makes your skin sensitive and easily irritated, and believe me, your tanner will irritate freshly shaved skin, possibly causing redness and rashes.              

The worst thing is, when you self tan after shaving, your open pores will collect self tanner giving you a "dotted" look. There is nothing worse than having little dotted pores after you self tan! Skip the shave!

Now you may be saying, "Is 24 hours okay to shave prior?! How bout 48?" I would say you need to wait at least 24 hours after shaving to tan.

But you can also wait until after you've developed your self tan and rinsed off the guide color to shave! Just shave gently and carefully to avoid lifting any color. You will thank me later. :)


  1. Dear Carolina,

    As you mentioned on a Sun Lab self tanner review, you discovered another tanner that is even better...
    Could you please give us the name? I come from France and it is not easy for me to find the products, so if I could avoid buying the wrong one...

    Thank you so much! Merci :)


    1. Hi Amélie! I'm so sorry it took me this long to respond, I've been away!

      I will make a longer post about this product later on, but the product that I absolutely love right now is called Faux Tan by bare escentuals.

      I love it because the color is so natural, the most natural I have ever used, and it is very moisturizing! You cannot go wrong with it! :) I think two applications gives you the perfect glow.

      You can get this on or on Amazon. QVC actually sells an extra large bottle that comes with a brush that works great, and it lasts forever. I always recommend tanning with vinyl gloves too!

      Hope I helped, and thanks for stopping by! Revenez bientôt!


  2. Thank you Carolina!

