Monday, June 24, 2013

Tips for Self Tanning: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

A good self tan is long lasting and fades naturally. That's why this tip is so important!

Everyone knows it's essential to exfoliate the skin before a self tan so that the tanner has an even surface to adhere to and won't go patchy, but did you know that in order to prolong a tan, moisturizing is key?

Key tip: skip buying costly "tan maintainers" for a self tanner. All you really need is a good moisturizer that doesn't contain stripping chemicals! (Avoid AHA, etc. Just check the ingredients before you buy!)

Moisturizing thoroughly all over at least once after you've rinsed off your guide color and revealed your tan underneath is so important. Moisturized skin does not shed as quickly, therefore the color lasts longer. Moisturized skin also will fade more evenly and you will even notice that a moisturized tan exfoliates much more evenly when it's time to scrub the tan off a bit and reapply!

Also, keep in mind that the DHA in self tanners can slightly dry out the skin, so it's important to put back in twice the amount of moisture! If you want a perfect tan, moisturize daily!

Another helpful tip is using a moisturizer that contains SPF. This way every time you go outside you are protected from the sun's harmful rays and at the same time you are moisturizing your skin and keeping it glowing, even, and beautiful!

Personally, I buy a moisturizer intended for the face, eye cream, and a body moisturizer.

I pay careful attention to moisturize the hands, feet, and any other area that I notice fades the quickest, before and after self tanning.

Key tip: to avoid losing moisture in the face and keep the hairline from getting discolored, apply a thin layer of facial moisturizer all over the face and into the hairline before you self tan. (I also use under eye cream.) Remember to moisturize regularly after you've rinsed the guide color off.